Eso fue, una gran sorpresa, encontrar en
Amazon a Perengana, mi sección preferida de un periódico semanal por varios
años, el libro de su autoría que se llama Cosecha Tardía, y el pseudónimo no
podía ser de nadie más que de ella: Just Perengana. Tal como es presentado el
libro en el portal es como yo recuerdo a Perengana en mis años de confusión, de
búsqueda interna y autoafirmación. Tenía que ser ella. Así que, sin pensarlo
mucho, hice el pedido.
It was a great surprise, find on Amazon Perengana, my favorite section of a weekly newspaper for several years, the book of his authorship called Late Harvest, and the pseudonym could be no one else than her: Just Perengana. As the book is presented in the portal, is how I remember Perengana in my years of confusion, internal search and self-assertion. It had to be her. So, without much thought, I placed the order.
A few days later, I devoured the book, reliving the effect that its reflections and sometimes its outbursts, caused in my astonishment, by its anti solemnity and the frankness with which it expressed its critics to the young people of any community, and feelings and thoughts many of whom I dared not recognize in myself or my friends; admiration, for the enormous cultural heritage that it showed; amazement, when he spoke of "delicate" subjects that I did not know; laughter, by their impertinence, and sometimes, by their idiots; anger, for exposing ideas opposed to mine; challenge, because it forced me to internally confront yours with mine; confusion, because I secretly longed to meet her while in love with my girlfriend. I never knew his true identity, rather his real name, because his identity was manifest in his writings. I like to believe that.
The amazing thing about my reunion with Perengana was the feeling that I was reading two books at a time, that of my youth, and that of my current, more mature, more "read" and less prejudiced, married and three wonderful children. It made me think about many things that are in my hands to do or not do so that my personal life, that of my wife, my children and my daughter, we live it with authenticity, free of prejudices and beliefs that hurt, with an identity and a positive sense of belonging in which nothing will condition us, and desires to know and always know more. Thanks Perengana, it has been two wonderful trips, maybe in a few more years make a third.
And as Leonard Cohen wrote and sang: Oh, so long, Marianne, it's time that we began to laugh, and cry and cry and laugh about it all again ...