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The marriage, institution in extinction

Just Perengana

I agree that it is an institution in the process of extinction, and not because I do not believe in love, but because I am a realist that delves into the most diverse variables that occur in this phenomenon of the human couple. Playing with numbers, people close to me find themselves in a number of states ranging from singleness to free union, proving whether it results before any compromise, even those who plan to join, followed by those who have already married, and until reaching those who already separated and also, those who prefer to live as a couple, but each in its own place, and this is the new fashion. What ideas I'm giving! Oh my God! Unseemly examples! Let's be honest, we all talk about this new social phenomenon, which does not frighten anyone, not even the children, who in many cases are affected by these forms of modern family.
It's a topic that I'm passionate about since I use reason. As a child I observed the relationship of my own parents and frankly I was incongruent many things. To that, I should add that I am the only woman among pure men, so I knew some of the weaknesses of them and of Dad... that is for Freud, I know.
However, I did not want to form a hypothesis that could harm my life as a woman, added to these prejudices is my own experience and, worse still, the opinion of the women of the groups of professionals to which I belong and from which they derive opinions that, whether you like it or not, are reality.
I was told by a well-respected lawyer, that feminist groups are so successful because women complement each other more closely than in our relationships with honorable gentlemen, and far from questioning could have different sexual preferences, she mentioned that the only thing that they seek in us, is to satisfy their instincts, in addition, many did not even know how to do well because they do not know the genuine parts of the woman. In fact, they made me laugh those comments, also made in such a forceful way, that without trying to hide my amazement, I prefer to share it in these paragraphs with you, and if my readers more statistically stable knights in 95% (taken from the mails that I receive), I fear that my comments will not be of his total pleasure, having the danger of hurting some susceptibilities, but it is not the intention.

"The ancient values ​​that were idolized have been lost ...
Perhaps now is the time to rethink existence."

(Battousai, the killer).

From the book Last Harvest by Just Perengana


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